One thing that I learn more and more everyday is that the value of college is less and less. That's right folks, you're paying or have paid for something that fundamentally you won't use. My best friend majored in English. He has a great job. Here I thought that I need something more practical and did Civil Engineering. Turns out that he's way more qualified for his job than I am for mine. I've done about two months of work that a monkey could do with the most mediocre of performances. "Tom, can you makes these tables?" Sure, but I'm gonna get them to you in about two days and you're gonna have to fix them yourself. These are not the words that your employer wants to hear. But the truth is I have no idea what I'm doing. My vast knowledge of differential equations appears to be useless against the almighty excel table template. "Tom, can you program a calculator?" Sure, I switched my major to avoid programming, but I'll give you some unreasonable code in about a week. Honestly, when are we gonna visit my airless world where all they wanna know if how far I hit a ball with a certain bat speed? Shut the front door, friction exists? Since when do we care about air resistance?
So as I go throughout my day I'm often asking a lot of questions. Most of them are pretty inane and a small child could figure them out. For some reason I'm a complete moron incapable of contributing. It's so sad when my false sense of superiority is crushed. Clueless doesn't even begin to describe my skill set for power line construction.
Who knew you'd be one of them? |
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