From the time that we were all children, we've heard it repeated again and again. 'You can do anything you want'. This was probably good advice when we were all children. There was potential and opportunity for many of us (but for some still none, we just blatantly lie to them) and we weren't jaded by the world. We all had goals about the great things that we were going to do. Some were doctors, astronauts, governors, presidents, or even humanitarian aid workers.
But as time goes on I understand more and more that the things that I dreamed of having when I 'grew up' will never happen.
Guess what part of the equation you're missing? |
Sure hard work will pay off in some way, but it won't give you back your 20/20 vision, so you can kiss your F-14 Tomcat goodbye (They retired it anyway). Your hours of study will sure help with your grades, but do they have cardiology classes on how to steady that shaky hand of yours (You really wanted to be a pediatrician anyway, children are more rewarding.)? And of course the most relevant information for all of us is this: You're not that smart. Your hours of study can't change the simple genetics that will forever separate you from Stephen Hawking (But at least you can play hop-scotch, right?).
Yet another thing he has that you don't. |
So as your childhood dreams are shattered and you sell out, because you've also realized money does buy some happiness, think of the achievements in your life. And try not to let it get you down.
Thinking of my achievements this last semester:
ReplyDelete1. I passed Foundations of Analysis with a B!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The class I was literally flunking out of 1/2 way through the semester). Thank you extra credit and kind professors....oh yeah and studying my butt off and lots of prayers.
2. Got an A in Linear Algebra with totally my way through the class (this is mostly to rub it in, because we are friends like that :0)).
And if it is any consolation, which I'm sure it's not, I am super proud of you and all you've done. I'll miss you like the dikens all the way where ever you go but I know you'll do great, because you always do. Blah blah blah.